
Teeth whitening treatment is a simple yet effective way of transforming your smile.

At Priors Hall Dental, we are pleased to provide professional teeth whitening to immediately improve discolouration and boost your self-confidence.

Why might I need professional teeth whitening?

While most of us desire a sparkling white smile, very few individuals are naturally blessed with such teeth. Over time, teeth can start to discolour. Factors such as your diet and lifestyle can also affect their vibrancy. Coffee, red wine and cigarettes are all common causes of stains.

You may wish to book a teeth whitening appointment if you:

  • Are conscious that you have discoloured teeth
  • Have an important occasion, like a wedding, and would like to enhance your image
  • Are undergoing a smile transformation. Teeth whitening is usually recommended after tooth straightening
  • Would like to have a more youthful and polished appearance
  • Have a job that involves being in front of the camera
  • Want to enhance your smile and boost your confidence

What does teeth whitening treatment involve?

As a trusted teeth whitening dentist, we will begin by warmly welcoming you to our practice for an initial consultation. During this appointment, we will assess your smile to make sure it is suitable for teeth whitening. Before undergoing treatment, our experienced dentists would recommend that you see one of our hygienists for a professional cleaning so that all topical stains can be removed. This will give a more accurate idea of your natural shade and the best course of action going forward. This will also allow more surfaces to be freed from plaque, resulting in efficient and accurate teeth whitening.

We will use a 3D scanner or impression material to custom-make your teeth whitening trays in a dental lab. You will need to return for a further appointment, to collect your tray and pick up your whitening gels. During this visit, we will go through your kit with you to make sure that you are comfortable with how it all works.

What we provide:

At-home teeth whitening treatment – we will supply you with dental trays and a kit for you to take home to whiten your teeth, either during the day or at night, whilst you’re sleeping.

If you have a single tooth that is much darker than the others, then it could be that the tooth is no longer alive. This tooth may already be root filled and, if not, may require root canal treatment. Once completed, we can carry out internal whitening. This is used when root-filled teeth are whitened from the outside and inside by placing the whitening solution within the tooth itself. Usually, this is only required when teeth are heavily discoloured.

Prices start from £435.00.

How long do I need to spend on teeth whitening?

Custom trays can be worn throughout the evening or overnight. The duration of your teeth whitening treatment depends on the degree of colour change required. However, we will discuss your desired results and advise the optimum length of your treatment time – usually, two to three weeks will achieve a good change in shade.

Going forward, you can retain this new shade with a single night of teeth whitening over a two, three or four month interval. If you decide you would like a boost of whitening then just give us a call and we can supply you with top-up whitening gels. These can be used within the same trays supplied to you.

How can I keep my smile bright white?

As well as using a top-up teeth whitening treatment, you can keep your smile looking fresh by incorporating some simple steps into your oral healthcare routine:

  • Avoid, or keep to a minimum, dark-coloured food and drink
  • Drink water regularly to cleanse the mouth
  • Use water or mouthwash to rinse out within 30 minutes of eating
  • Plaque attracts stains, so regular brushing and flossing definitely helps
  • Visit your hygienist for a scale and polish at least once or twice yearly

If you’d like to find out more about our professional teeth whitening treatment, please get in touch with our team today. To book your consultation, please call us on 01536 214 144. We look forward to hearing from you.

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4 Holland Square, Hampstead Road, NN17 5GT

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Monday - Thursday: 8am – 8pm

Friday: 9am - 3pm

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